Libido Booster
Sapientia Natural™ Eros
Ingredients per 2 capsules*
Colina bitartrato 232.9 g, L-Fenilalanina 155.7 mg, L-Lisina 155.7 mg, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) 97.2 mg, Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia) 96.9 mg, DIM 38.9 mg, L-Taurina 38.9 mg, Fosfatidilserina 38.9 mg, Zeolita Programada (Clinoptilolita) 4.6 mg. *100% Naturales. Sin edulcorantes artificiales.
The use is the responsibility of the consumer or prescription.
This product is not a medicine.
Sapientia Natural™ Eros is an innovative formula made with natural products, designed based on research on brain function and the nutritional requirements of the nervous system and its relationship with sexual desire and function.
It contains a mixture of essential, herbal and nootropic amino acids (substances that act as cognitive enhancers) aimed at improving the functions associated with the 4 neurotransmitters responsible for the sexual experience: Dopamine responsible for sexual desire helps treat impotence, Acetylcholine helps us to creativity and fantasy in our sexuality, GABA promotes the ability to be relaxed during the sexual encounter and Serotonin our ability to enjoy the experience and prevent premature ejaculation.
Within its lines of action is to promote the speed of our mental response, memory, attention and internal emotional balance.
The formula IS EFFECTIVE in both men and women.
The recommended dose is two capsules in the morning and two at night.
It is suggested to start taking one in the morning for three days and gradually increase the dose.
Suspend in case of headache or sleep pattern disorders.
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